Monday 6 August 2012

Financial Independence: 8 Points On How To Achieve It

Financial independence is possible. Unfortunately, it is many times not ever achieved many like all of our goals and dreams due to the fact that we dont desire it enough, know it is possible, and work hard enough for it. Just as detrimental, we grow to comfortable with mediocrity, let others to dictate our decisions, grow to unwilling to place within the effort compulsory to achieve our dreams, and not ever learn and implement the compulsory steps that result in financial independence, time freedom, passive income, and our full potential being realized. Desiring financial independence is perhaps first step; but we also should change our thinking and learn how to not only achieve it, but be willing to place within the work compulsory to obtain it. Financial independence is actually more of a mentality than it is a dollar price in a bank account.

It is more about not worrying and possessing time freedom than it is about being capable of always paying the bills. It is about overcoming fear and receiving risks as many as it is about saving for retirement. And financial independence is all about passive income, not the balance of an IRA or 401 k. Unfortunately, the majority of people not ever ponder this method and this is created evident within the masses who get excited about pay raises and promotions, develop the typical employee mindset, and live distant below their potential due to the fact that they can be unwilling to take risks, ponder and act differently, and understand the essential laws of success that also make financial independence. Thankfully, we can change! But even an understanding regarding the essential steps below is not enough it is when knowledge and consistent action are combined that our goals, dreams, and financial independence should be realized.

two Not ever Fall Victim to Typical Employee Mentality: Stop thinking in terms of 9-5, manager and employee, weekends and vacations off, that is not my job or responsibility, etc. Doing higher than you can be paid to do shall not only result in success on the job, but shall undoubtedly carry over into other aspects of your life. But whether you continually trade time for money, know that job security is actually security, grow to content with mediocrity and being average, do just enough to hold your job, and actually ponder that a pay raise or promotion is the solution to your problems then the only real hope you own is that your IRA and 401 k shall have sufficient funds to hold you alive subsequent to youve provided 40+ years of your life to a company. And by all standards, that is not my definition of financial independence or happiness. 3 IRAs and amp; 401 k s Not a Mix for Financial Independence: I locate it ironic that our race successfully convinces us that our familys financial future should be taken like of by handing over our money to unknown and many times greedy investors and businesses who essentially are only interested in creating a dime now not in 40 years.

And yet, what is more surprising is the masses of people who actually know that financial independence is obtained by devoting an improved phrase should probably be enduring 40+ years of our lives to a company, and ponder that an IRA or 401 k should be the solution to their retirement and financial problems. Anyone who has ever achieved financial freedom has independently created it themselves, took risks, and was extremely proactive not ever did these people depend upon a business or a retirement account to fully reach their goal. 3 Leaving Your Job to Beginning a Business is Actually Not the Answer: Realizing that a job, being an employee, and trading time for money shall not make financial independence is first compulsory change in mentality we should obtain. However, not ever fall victim to thought that being the boss, starting or running that you own company, or even being an entrepreneur is the solution. Financial independence is not defined by possessing more power or larger pay checks it is measured by time freedom, no financial worries, being the manager and investor and not the boss, and mostly creating passive income.

The goal is not to grow to the boss, the goal is to be the owner and hire a boss to do the work. The goal is to not earn more to be can give more, but take the excess money and buy appreciating assets that make you money. 5 Passive Income is the Key: Job security is not the similar to as financial security. Independence within your job is not even similar to financial independence. And trading time and effort for money is the exact opposite approach as creating money work for you.

The goal in all of your pursuits, and the key to actually achieving financial independence hopefully long prior to the age of 65 is to take every extra dime and invest it into assets that actually make you money on a continual monthly basis. Whether it is cash flow from properties, interest from accounts, or even profits from the work of others from that you own businesses the goal is to make and buy assets that continually bring in a monthly passive income. six Change Your Mentality About Retirement: Our cultures unfortunate perception of retirement entails working hard for 40+ years, trading our time for money in hopes of promotions and pay raises, trusting done strangers to manage our retirement accounts, and sacrificing pleasure now in hopes of living our dreams in years to come. Truthfully, I need nothing to do with this kind of retirement. And due to the fact that of this, I am thus willing to place in whatever effort necessary, take risks, change my mentality, and learn and implement the principles that shall result in financial independence long prior to I reach the age of 65.

seven Recognize What Keeps You from Achieving Financial Independence: There exists multiple reasons howcome people not ever achieve their dreams and goals in life, but they all can essentially be summarized into 3 categories: fear, mediocrity, and inaction. Do you fear receiving risks, and possibly failing? Do you fear due to the fact that you ponder you lack the compulsory knowledge or abilities to be successful? Are you content with mediocrity and being average? Is just getting by or thats good enough or its not worth it common thoughts and thus actions? Are you unwilling to place within the effort compulsory to achieve success? If so, then financial independence most certainly should be forfeited, and the result should be a good life but good is the enemy of great! 7 Being Wealthy is Not the Similar to as Being Financially Independent: True wealth is not determined by the volume of a bank account, the home we live in, or the car we drive. True wealth is a state of mind higher than it is an actual dollar figure. The lone who has no financial worries or obligations, has assets and employees working for them, has created a continual monthly passive income, and has resources sufficient to make time freedom and be in a position to help others this is true wealth regardless of how many income or profits are actually made. Comparatively, the lone who creates millions of dollars and drives the fanciest car and lives within the greatest mansion, is actually not wealthy at all if their expenditures exceed their income, they can be trading time for money, they live in fear of their debts, their lives display being wealthy only to hold up with the jones, they can be entrenched within the rat race in hopes that the next promotion shall make more time freedom which not ever happens, and most importantly they have no continual monthly residual income.

Financial independence should be the goal not being rich. 8 Understand That it is Achieved by Implementing the Laws of Success: As essential as all the principles above are, the reality is that no goal or dream in life is ever achieved unless and until we implement the laws that are foundational to all success. We should first desire financial independence, know it is possible, have faith that we are capable of achieving it, change our mentality as described above and ponder big, overcome our fears and doubts, work hard every day in pursuit of our goal, and not ever quit until it is accomplished. The goal should not be to obtain wealthy in life, it should be to enrich your life. Achieving financial independence is many higher than not worrying about finances, creating time freedom, possessing passive income, and being in a position to live your dreams and help others it is about reaching our full potential and not letting others define or determine it.

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