Wednesday 4 July 2012

The Fine Line Between Financial Disclosure And Transparency

Between financial disclosure and Transparency It is sometimes baffling that US with all its high financial disclosure standards still ended up with failed businesses like Enron and WorldCom. Even with Sarbanes Oxley, Lehman still failed. Is it a failure of regulation or failure of inadequate disclosure? Perhaps it is in searching for these answers that world powers are overhauling their financial regulations and inevitably rolling out new financial disclosure standards. Following the massive crisis within the worldwide financial markets there was an increased call by most the regulatory bodies, local governments and the general public for increased financial disclosure within the financial statements of mostly quoted companies. In line together with the desire for increased disclosure multiple regulatory bodies all over the universe are rolling out new disclosure standards for businesses operating in their jurisdiction.

There is even increased call for an usual regulatory standard mostly for financial institutions with stricter financial disclosure requirements. The large question however is if adequate about insurance disclosure shall make sure that stronger firms or financial institutions and reduce the incidence of distress mostly within the financial sector? What Does Financial Disclosure Mean?. Financial Disclosure is the release by a firm of all financial details concerning the business or financial institution that shall influence an investment decision. All firms listed on a stock exchange are usually mandated to adhere to the disclosure requirements regarding the Exchanges they can be listed on. Quoted businesses usually source for capital from the public hence they can be usually subjected to higher standards of disclosure as investors need to be provided all the details they need to make an intelligent decision on whether they should invest in a critical company.

It is to make investing as fair as likely for everyone, that businesses are mandated by regulatory bodies to disclose most good and bad information. Where businesses decide neither deliberately or inadvertently to disclose only good details and hide negative information, there is a tough tendency for investors to be deceived into creating the wrong investment choices and generally conclusions in unproductive allocation of capital within the society. Also when there is selective disclosure of sensitive financial details to the public, it leads to a little people with access to investment sensitive details gaining advantage over those without. Hence, most regulatory authorities have strict rules against insider trading. The US SEC has the Regulatory Fair Disclosure FD rule which prevent selective disclosure by public businesses to market professionals and sure shareholders.

The Reg FD rule states that Whenever an issuer, or any person acting on its behalf, discloses any fabric nonpublic details regarding that issuer or its securities to [certain enumerated persons], the issuer shall make public disclosure of that information. simultaneously, within the case of an intentional disclosure; and. promptly, within the case of a non-intentional disclosure. It is doubtful if this rule strictly applies within the Nigerian capital market where it is known that quoted businesses first submit their financial statements to the Stock Exchange prior to it is created known to the public. There was a time that the Nigerian SEC once mandated that the conclusions should be published simultaneously as it was being sent to the Exchange to prevent a likely insider abuse.

What is Financial Transparency?. The US SEC defines financial transparency as the timely, meaningful and reliable disclosures about a company's financial performance. Transparency is about telling the done story of an organization as seen through the eyes of management. It involves the use of nonfinancial indicators of current and future performance, risks, and other factors compulsory to help investors and other interested parties to better understand the business. When a business is focused on financial transparency, the firm goes beyond the financial figures contained within the financials statement to tell the story behind those figures.

In transparent reporting model, management is expected to evolve a reporting model that includes fabric details related to the firm's growth strategy, people issues, brand and market share, and supply chain issues, supported by quantitative nonfinancial performance measures and operating metrics like manufacturing capacity, employee turnover, units sold between others as it pertains to the business the firm operates. In addition, transparency includes improving access to, timeliness of, and relevance of details that is useful to stakeholders. Transparency is important as it goes above generally accepted accounting principles, Governmental Accounting Standards Board, or statutory reporting requirements, where and when needed, to give users together with the details they need to make informed decisions about an organization. It entails not only financial details but also nonfinancial details accompanying, by neither law or custom, the audited financial statements. Transparency is often easy when things are going well.

But businesses facing problems often hold a tendency to hoard financial information. The preferred play is no surprises. Disclose all fabric details as precisely and plainly as possible. Investopedia, an online investment location states that Transparency helps to prevent the corruption that inevitably occurs when a select little have access to important information, allowing them to use it for personal gain. Improved transparency should possibly lead to fewer cost volatility within the stock market due to the fact that all the market participants can base decisions of cost on similar data.

Transparency is one regarding the silent prerequisites of any free and efficient market, as transparency is generally rewarded through the stock's performance. Regulatory enforcement of financial transparency is however barely challenging. Hence, in developed economics, private initiatives have created market based incentives to encourage managements to adopt higher grades of financial transparency in their financial reporting. The Source Capital and BusinessDAY Financial Transparency Ranking Awards FTRA is to test transparency within the published financial statements of Nigerian quoted businesses and is Nigeria's first private sector initiative in that direction.

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