Sunday 22 July 2012

Effects That Accounting Choices Have On Users Of Financial Statements

The cardboard is an examination regarding the effects of accounting choices on users of financial statements. First of all, a historical examination within the subject reason was examined. It was located that most researches normally dwell on lone characteristic effects of accounting decisions on financial statement users. Current GAAP on the reason also concurs with the latter matter. It was that is why located that there should be a need to look at how these factors intertwine in affecting users of financial statements.

Since firms shall need to content with a many effects at any one time, it is important to carry out a read on a combination of factors. Thereafter, an analysis ought to be done sequential to investigate which factor is the mot important and which one takes fewest precedence. This can leave an extended method in assisting managers and other financial decisions makers about accounting choices within the future. Introduction There exists a many users of financial statements within any respective firm. Usually, some regarding the intended effects of accounting choices can grow to real effects.

On the other hand, there exists also foreseen consequences that shall emanate from external or internal factors. The essay shall examine little of these issues through existing studies on the matter. Suggestions should be created on problematic parts and likely courses of actions shall also be laid out. The latter suggestions should be particularly useful to public accounting body owing to fact that some loopholes on the subject reason should be identified. Historical development of theory.

A lot of studies was done with regard to voluntary accounting choices. This is largely due to the fact that the effects of such choices are more simple slice and predictable. For instance, a many accountants have utilized the issue of accounting discretion sequential to understate their financial performances during periods of string performance and also to overstate their financial status during periods of little performance. Research has shown that there exists 3 primary reasons howcome firms can decide to engage in sure income decreasing or income increasing activities. First of all, this should be motivated by the need to with the economic events that are prevailing at that time.

Secondly, such accounting choices should be motivated by strategic objectives within the corporation below consideration. Lastly, engaging in such accounting choices should be motivated by a combination of most economics and business strategy. Usually, the accountant enacting these changes should be motivated in their very own expectations. Managers tend to use income increasing tactics when there exists interested in enacting strategic changes. In fact, it was shown that most financial users tend to trust that any income increasing measure enacted by their managers is in close relation to overall nature of these kinds of objectives.

In other words, employees are fewer likely to be influenced by positive or income increasing accounting decisions than by income decreasing accounting decisions. When managers opt to increase their income, chances are that employees shall assume that this is component of a strategy to reach an sector benchmark. Consequently, they can be fewer likely to trust it. On the other hand, when managers make accounting decisions to decrease their overall incomes in their financial statements, then employees are many more likely to trust the latter conclusions than if incomes had been increased. This is largely due to the fact that such employees shall assume that the reflections being place out by their employers have been one sequential to reflect the economic situations prevailing at that time.

In other words, it should be compulsory for firms to get ready for skepticism within the former case than within the latter one. In close relation to income decreasing or income decreasing acts in financial statements is the issue of qualification in creating accounting decisions. Users are likely to regard qualified income reducing acts as being more strategic in nature than unqualified income decreasing acts. This is the case due to the fact that when the acts are qualified, then chances are that the users should asses the firm in a more positive light than if the financial statement had not been qualified. There is a need to compare financial statement user reaction to income increasing and income decreasing changes in comparison to reference point.

Usually, most firms don't ever operate in isolation. Employees are well aware regarding the goings on within their industries. Consequently, when accounting decisions are created to neither increase or decrease incomes within corporations, employees or other users tend to resort to reference points such sector benchmarks to look how distant below the mark they can be or how distant above it they have reached. Statistics indicate that users react more positively to income decreasing changes even when comparing them to sector benchmarks. This is usually due to the fact that most people shall treat this as being representative of occurrences within the sector below consideration and that is why leaving room for growth.

On the other hand, when incomes are perceived as being method above sector benchmarks, then users are likely to assume that those benchmarks don't ever represent the goings on their specific industry. This means that they shall treat such a change as being deviant from the norm. Due to the fact that of this, users shall assume that such a firm cannot survive within its sector of procedure and that the assessment of that firm's performance is that is why below par in reality. Financial statement users are likely to remain indifferent to changes created by their employees within the function that the accounting decision is an income decreasing one but a qualified one. This is largely due to the fact that users are likely to attribute such changes to neither strategic reason or to reflect economic conditions within a sure industry.

This means that those changes shall indicate the overall problems facing these groups when it returns to process of enacting these changes. Income increasing acts shall also solicit different reactions within the vent that they have been qualified or if they can be not qualified. Expert opinion suggests that financial statement users are many more likely to trust them if they can be qualified. In the agency theory, firms are treated like a spot of convergence of contracts. This means that a many users of financial statements view accounting choices as means against which firms can get incentives.

The incentives are important determinants within the process of creating accounting decisions largely due to the fact that they can make the difference between the detriment or survival of a many corporations. Healthy and financial firms many times locate that they need to make accounting decisions. However, the forces or determinants affecting these 3 variations of firms are dependent on the kind of arrangement being made. In sure reviews, some analysts have assumed that the kind of incentives facing these 3 variations of firms is the same. However, this shall not necessarily be true due to the fact that financially distressed firms should be challenged to engage in sure contracts depending on the kind of benefits that they shall derive from sure contract incentives.

One regarding the drivers of accounting decisions in financially distressed firms is the issue of debt covenant isolation. Financial debts are a particularly pressing issue for such firms and it is likely that their accounting choices should be adversely affected by these decisions and vice versa that the accounting choices they make can change their prevailing situations. In other circumstances, firms facing financial distress should be motivated to make accounting decision that can subsequently affect their jobs or their firms altogether. In other words, some troubled firms shall think about their situations as being temporary. This means that their greatest concerns shall not be to obtain accounting bonuses.

Instead, their focus should be on restoring the financial position of their firms and creating the highest many of their kind of arrangements. It has also been shown in a many researches that new CEO tend to deflate their incomes when accompany was recording poor financial management during the previous year. This is an aspect that was carried forward in a many businesses that should be thought about as financially troubled ones. It should also be noted that accounting decisions within the latter category shall also created sequential o reduce incomes. This creates an image of a corporation that is vulnerable.

In this regard, such firms are likely to obtain concession from the government through government subsidies or they shall locate that labor unions offering incentives to poorly performing firms my be motivated to think about them if they record decreased incomes. In other words, it should be spoke about that such firms shall make be affected positively by such decisions since they shall gain favor from the government or from labor unions. On the other hand, if these income deflations are discovered, then a financially distressed firm should be compulsory to close. In other circumstances, forms undergoing financial distress should be motivated to make accounting decisions sequential to cope with management changes that shall have occurred at the time. This is usually the case when the incumbent management finds that the new firm he or she is operating is dealing with decreased performance than was the case within the previous regime.

Such mangers should be interested in displaying positive light to internal and external stakeholders regarding the business below consideration. In other situations, it should be likely to retrieve that other firms are undergoing government assistance investigations. These are usually those firms that are in a position of getting incentives from the government if it located that their management principles are in order. Usually, such firms are likely to make accounting decisions that should affect them in a positive light by creating them liable to receive incentives from the investigators. In other researches, it was located that firms facing financial difficulties should be compulsory to deal with large accrual mostly during their first year in dividend reductions.

This means that a firm should be faced with higher than one specific financial challenge at a time. With regard to accounting decisions and the effect that the choices have on financial statement users; a many researches have also been done on the user expectations. In other words, this is another factor that can affect the overall decision created by a sure corporation and how the users within that firm are affected by it. For instance, one is likely to retrieve that within sure forms, the users below consideration have very little regard for the kind of decisions that they should be creating due to the fact that regarding the fact that there should be a match between their expectations and actual occurrences. However, in instances where financial statement user expectations are barely varied from actual occurrences, then it is likely that these issues shall not affect them positively.

Risk management has also been shown as an important predictor of accounting choices and hence highly influential in determining some regarding the effects of these choices. This is largely due to the fact that financial statements hold a shocking effect on users when the facts being displayed is included. Risk management sis usually something that should be firm specific mostly due to the fact that different businesses are faced with different obstacles at any one time. For instance, when a business was faced with a many security risks, then chances were that they should classify those security risks in manner that should portray them in a positive light. Additionally, benchmarks set up in accounting standards were highly influential in determining whether sure issues were thought about as security risks or whether they were not.

This means those weaker banks are many more likely to treat fewer securities as being decreased than the accounting benchmark than vive versa. Interest risks that return with securities are also an important factor in determining effects of such accounting decisions. This is due to the fact that grades of interest risks on a sure bank portfolio can leave up depending on how that specific issue had been classified by the parties involved within the preparation regarding the financial statements Warfield, 2008. Research has also shown that there exists also other factors that shall affect financial decisions being created by respective individuals in terms regarding the perceived expectations and actual occurrences. Financial statement users are adversely affected by the accounting choices created within sure firms.

One such team are financial investors. Studies has shown that the manner in which financial statements are presented to non processional financial statement users for example investors has a very important role to play in influencing their decision to invest in that respective firm. When a firm opts to make an accounting decisions in which there it highlights the effects of a net income on the goings on within a sure firm, then chances are that one may need to deal with these scenarios in a relatively different manner. In other words, an investor shall make the decision to invest in such a firm if the facts provided is forthcoming in this regard. The converse is as true, when accounting decision are created such that investors have now ay method of understanding the fair price that they have on an exact investment, then chances are that that team should be persuaded to look elsewhere for investment.

Usually, facts about financial statement interpretation should be done on the similar to document but like a note or on the margin regarding the financial statement. Consequently, firms that should be in unhealthy situations should be affected positively by creating such an accounting choice. On the other hand, failure to make such a decision shall also influence them negatively owing to reduced position of awareness provided to these kinds of approaches. It should be noted that a many financial statement users are highly affected by the accounting policies in sure firms or the position o adoption of accounting standards. This is usually the case when considering foreign investment.

In other words, there exists situations in which a sure investor should be dealing with the issues surrounding that specific scenario mostly with regard to kind of changes affecting a sure party. An example of how this should be displayed is through receiving note of at the relationship between 3 countries for example the US and Australia. It is likely that a US foreign investor should be more interested in creating investments within countries that are US GAAP aligned. This factor is barely important in accounting decisions and hence accounting effects due to the fact that only has to look at accounting policies of a many developed nations to understand this. The US is one regarding the heaviest foreign investors in Australia.

Sequential to appeal to latter group, it was located that Australian accounting standards took a turn and began conforming to US institutional frameworks and also to their GAAP. There are a many reasons identified in literature for selecting sure accounting choices and these reason include:. Improves financial statement credibility. Reduces processing costs. When accounting policies are voluntarily done sequential to return up with the highest many influential choices on foreign ownership, then chances are that they can attract greater investments if they can be aligned to foreign investor's institutional holdings or if they can be also associated with the joint determinants below consideration.

The following table illustrates the example of US foreign investors interested in Australian companies. Companies with US investments. Companies matched by volume and industry. As it should be seen shape the latter table, there is a link between the position of investment by US firms in Australia and the no. of matching being done.

Consequently, financial statements have an adverse effect on the kind of investment being done in a sure country. Suggested changes or difficulty parts revealed within the debate. As it should be seen within the GAAP and historical development, most authors tend to focus on one specific accounting decision with reference to financial statements yet there exists instances in which these effects should be more complex. There is a need to look at how effects of accounting choices can intertwine and hence affect the method a firm returns to make its respective decisions. Most regarding the time i.

87% regarding the time, it was located that most firms should be dealing with 3 or more regarding the following issues. Government negotiations. Labor union contracts. It is that is why likely to retrieve that a firm should be forced to contend with a many changes that shall occur subsequent to the accounting decisions have been made. In other words, most researches usually dwell on an exact effect yet situations are hardly that simple.

Some correlations ought to be done sequential to look how these different effects intertwine of financial statement users. An example of how this should be done is through the employment of multivariate regression analysis in which a firm can make a trade off between the negatives or positives associated with some regarding the decisions that they should be creating at any one time. Additionally, it is impotent no to generalize the occurrences that exist within different firms due to the fact that sure businesses should be financially well while others should be financially unhealthy. Consequently, one should clarify this reason prior to creating a research. However, very many of articles on the latter topic have very little facts about this matter.

Public accounting can greatly improve if there was a method in which studies differentiated between well and unhealthy firm so as to ascertain that the process of auditing financial statements created by neither firms an be clearly distinguished. It should also be note that the following categories of individuals heavily rely on financial statements and any facts provided in these reports is barely important. These professionals include. Government representatives. It is that is why important to determine which if any regarding the latter mentioned decisions should be the highest many important determinant in creating financial decisions.

In other words, some accounting decisions shall have heavier repercussion on the firm below consideration or they shall have an ability to change the method sure issues are being treated in a sure firm. This also means that greater precedence should be provided to such accounting decisions within the future. Suggested courses of action. A co relational read is essential in this arena. By conducting such a study, there should be more realistic display regarding the goings on within sure firms.

This is due to the fact that a many firms should be facing higher than one effect at any time. However, due to the fact that regarding the difficulties in a data analysis that shall arise on such a read i. by suing a combination of variables, it should be compulsory to tackle one factor at a time. For instance, a co relational analysis should be done to retrieve the relationship between foreign investments and accounting decisions, then another on should be done to retrieve the relation between employee assessments of a firm and accounting decisions, another one should be done on accounting decision and union contracts and many more. Subsequent to all these comparisons have been done, then co relational values obtained from each two of them can then be carried out.

The comparison with the highest co relational price should then be ranked as the similar to thing should be done to least. A summation of all the occurrences should be done in one graph to display the highest many determinant factor in accounting decisions. Form the latter study; it was located that there exists a series of effects that accounting decisions can have on users of financial statement users. For instance, some users should be influenced to invest in a sure firm if the statements are positive. This is usually the case for foreign investors.

Additionally financial statements shall cause governments to help firms through subsidies. In other scenarios, it is likely to retrieve that accounting decisions can cause renewal of contracts by labor unions. In other situations, they shall cause employees to ponder that the firm is doing well compared to its counterparts within the industry. In other situations, accounting decisions can cause employees to treat their management with skepticism mostly when the accounting decisions was income decreasing. Sometimes, the choices shall display that a firm is performing at par with little of its counterparts within the respective business arena.

This means that there should be no other scenarios when some regarding the latter effects can intertwine. There is a need to give a co relational read on how these factors affect users. A read on the highest many important or the fewest important determinate can leave an extended method in ensuring that accounting choices are more informed and that is why solicit the intended consequences. 2008? Financial Statement presentation and on professional interpretation of fair value; Journal of Accounting research, 45, 4, 620-724. 2008? Effects of actual and expected accounting choices on judgments and decisions: Accounting Review, 13, 49.

Bath, M 1996? Worldwide differences and their relation to share prices evidence from UK, Canada, US and Australia. 2006? Setting standards for financial reporting; Contemporary Accounting Research; 13, 135. 2007? Accounting within the dual economy; Journal of Accounting Research, 10, 67. 2008? The Economics and Politics of Accounting; Political Economy Journal, 7 69-74.

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