Friday 4 January 2013

How Society S Financial Beliefs Affect Us

Have you ever stopped to wonder from where our beliefs about different things come? All of us have beliefs about everything we skills development in life from religion to child rearing to automotive care. Over time, our thoughts grow to firly seated in our minds and are thus turned into beliefs. Once they can be at this stage, they can be very hard to change, but change can occur. Many of our daily problems are caused by the beliefs we hold. Just due to the fact that we know something does not make it true.

We not ever live in a vacuum of our own reality. We are affected by the beliefs and realities of others. This collective consciousness of beliefs is what we ponder of as reality. Many people look they have knowledge of something about finances. Perhaps they have been taught sure things over the years by their parents or maybe they have reached sure conclusions based totally off personal experience.

Regardless of where the beliefs originated, they can be often erroneous and not ever match the collective consciousness. This can have serious consequences on our financial well being. Faulty beliefs return in all forms and grades of seriousness. Some people shall stay away from investing within the stock market due to the fact that they know it is too risky. This belief, though possibly valid in sure situations, is mostly false and is greatly penalizing their financial security.

Who knows where the belief started? Perhaps it was a parent or grandparent who lived through the Best Depression. What matters is that the belief wants to be changed. Changing one's beliefs is difficult due to the fact that most people look they can be right in their beliefs. That is why first step is to conduct an in depth analysis regarding the beliefs you hold about a critical matter. Maybe within the past your beliefs were correct but the situation has changed and your beliefs are outdated.

Outdated beliefs are no better than inherently wrong beliefs and have similar damaging effect. What is wanted is reveal mindedness. Once you let new concepts to take root in your mind, you can begin to change the method your shape beliefs. Often, if we are not progressing the method we look we should be, it is the fault of erroneous beliefs. This is an indication that a review is in order.

Beliefs should be very hard to let go, but once you establish the belief that change is compulsory and constant, this process becomes easier. Just a couple of years back, financiers believed that mortgage backed securities were the gold standard of banking. Now, 3 years and millions of foreclosures later, we have knowledge of that is not the case. Any investor who cannot let leave of that belief is doomed to fail. Smart financiers reevaluated their beliefs based off new evidence and moved on.

They shall recover and do fine. Those that held that belief too tightly are still reeling from the loss of not just their money, but also their broken beliefs. Nothing in this life is set in stone and we should be willing to change our thinking. This is mostly true within the fast moving world of finance. Beliefs are important and dictate the method we live our lives.

But they can be not without an expiration date. Life is a journey of learning and the wise person understands that beliefs should grow along with our knowledge and experience.

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