Sunday 20 January 2013

Financial Status Of Rural People

WHO ARE TRIBALS?The phrase tribal or Adivasi brings to our mind a picture of half-naked men and women, with arrows and spears in their hands, feathers in their heads, and speaking an unintelligible language, their lives often combined with myths of savagery and cannibalism. However, any person possessing visited a tribal village should be surprised and thrilled to look a community living close to nature, peace-loving, equitable and with advanced cultural or corporate forms. Our knowledge regarding the tribals is very limited, leading us to trust many myths at the cost of their dignity. Even when majority regarding the communities within the earth kept changing their life-styles, competed with each other and developed materialistic instincts to hold pace with the progress regarding the world, there were communities still living in line with their traditional values, customs and beliefs. The exploitative mindset regarding the mainstream society created these communities recede often into forests and high-altitude mountains, where they should continue to live in peace with Nature and their unpolluted surroundings.

As the so-called civilized communities regarding the mainstream society neither should comprehend the values and ideals of these communities nor had the patience to understand their lifestyles, the mainstream world branded them variously as natives, uncivilized people, Aboriginals, Adivasis, Tribals, Indigenous people etc. In India, we mostly refer them as Adivasis or Girijans. In spite regarding the merciless treatment by the civilized men and the socio-economic perils faced by these communities all over the world, the tribals continue to live within the continents of Africa,Asia, North and Southern America and Australia. The Imperial Gazetteer of India, 1911, defines a tribe like a collection of families bearing an usual name, speaking an usual dialect, occupying or professing to occupy an usual territory and is not usually endogamous though originally it may have beenso. Another definition of a tribe by D.

Majumdar is that a tribe is a collection of families or team of families bearing an usual name, members of which occupy similar territory, speak similar language and observe sure taboos regarding marriage,profession or occupation and have developed a well-assessed system of reciprocity andmutuality of obligations. Can the rural tribes manage their saving? Can the rural tribes aware regarding the schemes?These are questions that have engaged the attention of people trying to creation microfinance products for the tribes. Within the past the tribes were always addressed from the supply side through schematic finance, now we have reached a stage where we need patience to understand the financial status, financial flows, savings and their attributes in terms of security, liquidity and risk-return relationship preferred by the rural tribes. It is known that not only the well to do, but also the tribes have patterns in income and expenditure and have evolved products that take like of these ups and downs in financial flows. The objective regarding the read was to understand the financial flows regarding the rural tribes such that an improved creation of savings and loan products within the microfinance sector should be planned.

To fill up the gaps between inflows and outflows, the poor need intermediaries within the shape of institutions that help them manage the flows. In allmost all villages the private moneylender performs this gap filling function. The debate between private money lenders and tribes are the common issues within the regional economy. The moneylender sends access to credit, and there exists arguments that the image regarding the moneylender is unnecessarily tarnished within the literature Chamala and Sharma, 2003 There exists counter arguments on whether this fits with the development intervention to be undertaken [Chavan 2003]. There exists arguments that due to the fact that of traditional relationships of trust, it is almost impossible to replace the moneylender, but likely to redefine the relationship by providing an atmosphere for formal competition [Sriram 2002].

There researchers focus on general poor but this cardboard concentrated on poor tribes. It is important to understand the roles of each regarding the players providing finance for the tribes and how they manage money. The most commonly used measure of poverty is based on income or consumption levels. People are regarded BPL if their consumptionor income position falls below a minimum wanted to meet the simple wants and wants. This position is defined as the poverty line.

This definition differ from location to location and time to time. Each place uses a definition appropriate to its position of development, societal norms and values In our country, Planning Commission estimates the proportion and many poor separately for rural and urban sectors at the local and state grades based on the recommendations of committee members. The committee members had defined the poverty line as the cost of an all-India average consumption basket at which the calorie norms are met [GoI 2002]. The norms were 2,400 kilojoules per capita per dayfor rural regions and 2,100 kilojoules for urban areas. These calorie norms were expressed in monetary terms as Rs 49.

64 per capita per month for rural and urban areas, respectively at 1973-74 prices. These figures were updated repeatedly with the consumer cost indices CPI in 1994-95. The updated numbers are Rs 228 and Rs 305 per capita per month, for rural and urban areas, respectively [Pradhan and Subramanian 2001; G1993. India has the largest concentration of tribal population within the world. The tribal are the babies of nature and their lifestyle is conditioned by the eco-system.

South asia due to its diverse ecosystems has a large variations of tribal population. Tribes people constitute 8. 14% regarding the total population regarding the country, numbering 84. 51 million 2001 Census. There exists 697 tribes notified by the Central Government below Post 342 regarding the Indian Constitution with sure tribes being notified in higher than one State.

Higher than 1/2 the Scheduled Tribe population is concentrated within the States of Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Jharkhand and Gujarat whereas in Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Pondicherry and Chandigarh no community was notified like a Scheduled Tribe. As per 2001 census there were 3. 21 lakhs Scheduled Tribes in Kerala State The Tribal population in Kerala State is 3 regarding the total population within the State. The literacystatus of STs was 57. 22in 1991 as against the general literacy rate of 89.

Majorportion regarding the STs are seen within the districts Wayanad, Idukky and Palakkad. The povertyratio regarding the ST families estimated as on 31. 47asper the State Survey in 1992. Nearly 23of the tribal families are living within forestareas. There exists 35 tribal communities within the State.

Between them Paniyar nearly 20 forms the majority. The Paniya and Adiya communities in Wayanad District are verybackward and most of them landless agricultural labourers. There exists six Primitive tribalgroups PTGs viz. , Kattunaikan, Cholanaikan, Koragas, Kadar and Kurumbas. These398 Groups are the greatest vulnerable communities between the tribals and are all below poverty Line.

They constitute 5of the total tribal population within the State. As per the survey conducted in 1996-97 the population of PTGs was 16678 consisting of 4406 families. They belong to 35 distinct communities within the primitive tribal groups for example Cholanaikan, Kattunaikans, Kurumbas, Kadars and Koragas. They constitute nearly 4. 8% regarding the Scheduled Tribe population.

There exists 69,444 ST households within the State while in 1981 it was only 52,421. The present many ST households is estimated around 84,000. The Scheduled Tribe Population is even more unevenly distributed within the Districts. Between the Districts Wayanad has the highest tribal Population nearly 36of the Tribal Population. Idukky and Palakkad account for another 26.

The lowest representation of tribal population is in Alappuzha DistrictThis cardboard try to understand and map the financial flows regarding the tribes and how do they manage their money available to them? The cardboard is organised into 5 sections. Section II looks at the literature. Section III has the geographical setting, methodology, sample size, creation and administration regarding the questionnaire. Section IV contains findings regarding the study. We conclude with Section V discussing the issues that need to be addressed at a larger scale and also how this read should be taken forward, while identifying the limitations regarding the current study.

Literature ReviewThe Governments and Financial intermediaries play a key role for uplifting the tribes in our country. The state has intervened in this segment to address the issuesof inequity from time to time. It has not only created institutional mechanisms, but also has had targeted schemes that help the tribes for eradicating their poverty and economic upliftment. However, most regarding the efforts have been supply-driven and have looked at the credit and not the savings wants regarding the poor. The microfinance institutions MFIs haveFinancial Status of Tribes A Read in Wayanad DistrictA village-level read conducted in Wayanad district of Kerala attempted to map the financial status regarding the tribes and about insurance indicated that the overall asset-savings-income profile regarding the tribes was not alarming.

However, most regarding the assets and savings are liquid, forcing the poor to borrow at high cost. The read reveals the failure of financial institutions to penetrate the savings and loan market. It also reconfirms earlier findings that health-related expenses are one regarding the primary causes of indebtedness amongst the tribesStill now reliable financial services are not widely available for offering of credit by MFIs is pigeonholed into the grameen kind with little flexibility and the self-help grouptype with more flexibility, concluded by Smita Parhi and M S Sriram 2006 and they addressed the issues of financial flow. The loan products available within the formal sector not ever address the wants regarding the poor. Therefore, there is still a gap within the wants regarding the poor and the offerings [Fisher and Sriram 2002].

They need money in lumps and finding waysto meet such requirements is a challenge. Savings is nothing but the decision of not consuming cash. This is a fundamental and unavoidable first step in money management. We should look at issues pertaining to savings and credit together, to understandthe wants regarding the poor [Rutherford 2002]. There are some recent studies focusing on financial flows regarding the poor.

The MicroSave-Africa has done a series of studies toprovide financial toolkits for bankers and others. These studies recognise the growing interest in introducing savings products in MFIs. The MicroSave and the consultative team to assist the poor CGAP collaborated to read the dynamics of institutionalchange in transformation of a microcredit institution to a MFI [Wright, Christen and Martin 2000]. They studied Association for Corporate Advancement ASA, that is an important model for microcredit institutions planning to introduce savings products. The ASA was a microcredit institution working only on credit delivery and recovery system based on grameen methodology.

Rutherford 2000 argues that the greatest method to designa product is to ask people about their own preferences, due to the fact that they can be the greatest judges. Ruthven and Kumar 2002 argue that the success regarding the moneylenders, deposit collectors, pawnbrokers who reach people where others fail, is in providing lump sums instantly, with no security and also standard savings devices on a sufficiently small-scale basis. There exists many tricks that the formal institutions need to read from informal players if they need to widen their client base to reach the poor. On savings, Wright 1999 argues that in many instances the poor have illiquidity preference that is acommitted savings mechanism that prohibits them from withdrawing in response to trivial wants and allows them to escape from the demands of their relatives for loans or assistance. It was also located that poor release importance to security and liquidityaspect of savings and not ever look for significant returns.

Rutherford 2002 did a one year read creating use of financial diaries to understand the financial flows of 42 low-income Bangladeshi families. The read revealed that better managed MFIs were regarded reliable between the formal and informal financial service providers The factors associated with becoming poor were barely different from the factors associatedwith escaping poverty. Therefore, the programmes regarding the state wanted to obtain an appropriate focus [Krishna 2003]. A read in,12 villages of Rajasthan located that diversification of income sources; irrigation and facts on different opportunities were the key factors in overcoming the poverty trap. The corporate factors that pull them into the poverty trap were mostly not in their control.

Even the programmes of state aimedat poverty reduction were unable to neutralise the negative effects of these corporate factors. Many times assistance from the state was unable to trickle below to grassroots. However, Krishna 2003 has argued that the state help through poverty reductionschemes had a positive effect in creating poverty more tolerable. A similar read in Gujarat showed an alternate picture. Gujarat being economically sound and more industrialised, it was expected a priori that poverty reduction should Rajasthan [Krishna et al 2003].

The authors argued that falling into poverty is not just the converse of escaping from poverty but higher than that. It is evident that there is considerable interest amongst scholar in examining the financial flows regarding the poor. Our read is different from what we have reviewed. It focuses on regions recognized, as backward. The objective of our read is twofold.

1 To understand the financial flow of tribes through empirical analysis. 3 To read the saving habits and credit behaviours. MethodologyA questionnaire was drafted to capture data on different parameters. The creation ensured that we use significant events within the final decade as time markers to gather financial data on how these events were managed. We also had asset buy and sale as additionalmarkers.

These helped us in associating the financial flows savings, borrowings most formal and informal with the ups and downs of a family,and in triangulating the indebtedness data. Sample selection: decision regarding the region and village: This read has its focus on families defined as tribal. All families below the below poverty line BPL category fell into our focus population. It is not our intention to debate the methodology adopted by the state in defining the tribal. As the system regarding the read is to look at how tribal managetheir financial flows This is based on the presumption that the findings should be usedfor developing financial products that should be offered to a continuum of clients from the very poor upwards.

The artificial boundary of a poverty line is only helpful in drawing the sample. While we wanted to base the read in some regarding the greatest backward districts in India, the decision of Wayanad was created purposively. The selection of wayanad was driven not only by its general backwardness, but also the geographical backgrounds. Wayanad formed November two 1980 as the 12th district and most backward district in Kerala,it is 3. Wayanad district stand first within the case of adivasi population about 36% between other district within the state.

Creation of questionnaire: For collecting household data, a detailed questionnaire was designed, with a view to capture financial flows of families over an extended horizon of time. The base data were the demographic and asset profile of a household. Other data were built around this to obtain the financial the past regarding the household. We collected details of income, indebtedness and savings. We sought inputs from regional resource persons to with questions or asset within the checklists specific to geographical region.

We collected facts on the income flows, agricultural land, physical assets, saving habits, loan transactions and the details regarding the events that happened within the family within the final 10 years. Consequently the questionnaire was not divided into different stages, each question collected specific information. This collectively gave an system regarding the financial flows of a family. Within first component we collected data on the general family details, within income, inward and outward remittances. The 2nd component collected facts on landholding and details of other physical assets, within dwelling and livestock details.

In this process we captured the facts on financial transactions while purchasing or selling assets, the mode of financing and the purpose of purchase. The third component focused on the physical assets, where we captured the facts on mode of financing, purpose of purchase, and its value. If any asset was sold, we located the quantity realised from the sale. By seeking this information, we tried to understand the process of acquisition and sale of assets and the circumstances below which they can be acquired or sold. Within the fourth part, we captured savings and indebtedness detailsof the family.

We also asked the respondents to rank the sources with whom they had savings and loan transactions to obtain a feedback on their comfort levels, details on accessibility, costs, security and liquidity regarding the products they used. We also askedthem the no. of maximum savings and loans and the source where it was parked or drawn within the final 10 years. This roughly gave us an system regarding the reach regarding the financial institutions and at similar time told us regarding the extent of convenience and faith the poor placed on these sources. It helped us locate which regarding the formal or informal source provided most acceptable product.

Similar details were collected on indebtedness. Within the final component we collected details regarding the events that occurred within the final 10 years for example marriage regarding the children, well-being expenses and buy of assets or funeral expenses. These function details capture the financial flows involved with birth, death, education, marriage and emergencies. This gave insights into how such events are financed and managed. The questions on which we had difficulty in getting data were about health-related problems and expenses.

They were unwilling to talk about these issues. These details were collected in a circumspect manner. Data were not forthcoming on some sensitive issues as well. As this is a tribal area, there is a prevalence of bride cost as against dowry within the plains In this region people had a tiny piece of land, productivity waslow and most regarding the make was consumed. The grades of monetisation were also low.

Imputing a cost for self-consumption was that is why difficult. Creating use of events as time markers were useful, but that gave us the data on financial flows at the function point. However, multiple respondents were unable to articulate their outstandings, due to little grades of awareness on aspects of repayment and the split between interest and principal. The data was collected creating use of men and women investigators. We located it was better to use women investigators for data collection.

Creating use of women helped us because: Respondent-women available for a detailed component regarding the day. Therefore, chances of drawing a blank or need to revisit the household were minimal. Women had the time to patiently answer the questionnaire and were can recall details more clearly than men, and respondedto women investigators well. Women were not suspicious and did not hold a tendency to hide. However, the downside of collecting data exclusively from women place a question on accuracy.

Ideally this data should have been triangulated by a brief interview regarding the men. But due to constraints of time, this should not be done. Findings1 Primary sources of money transaction within the village are Village moneylenders,Shop keepers; Family and relatives, Banks, Co-operatve Society and SHG. 2 General household and employment: We used data from50 households from which we collected information. These 50households had total 226 individuals an average of around 5 persons per household.

The simple demographics are provided in Table 2. Usually regions of poverty are associated with an above prevalence of child labour. Our pilot indicates that, regarding the 85 babies below the age of 15, 45 were perusing some vocation or the other, mainly in agriculture, procurement of minor forest make MFP andtravelling to village to work in non-farm enterprises. Regarding the others above the age of 18, there were only six persons who claimed to be unemployed. Only 45 babies regarding the total 85 below the age of 15 are studying.

The other 40 babies who were not in college mighthave neither been employed in some chore or the other, which the families chose not to reveal or were too young to begin work. The grades of curriculum were little Table 3. Wayanad is listed below one regarding the greatest educationally backward districts within the country. There was nobody who had attained curriculum beyond the primary position and about two-thirds regarding the people were illiterate. Most regarding the employment opportunities were seasonal in nature.

Provided this, there is an opportunity to introduce financial products that aid the smoothening of cash flows of these poor people. The details regarding the employment status are provided in Table 4. 3 Income: Households had income from agricultural and non-agricultural sources. The income from non-agricultural sources was higher than from agriculture Table 5. Continuous drought for the past years and non-availability of cultivable land may have driven them to seek income from non-agricultural activities Many persons from the village leave to other village to work with non-farm enterprises.

Connection with the village has played a primary role in diversification of livelihood opportunities. The new income streams discovered out of diversification from the present job has pumped in extra cash to standard cash flow. High debt had also forced them to return out regarding the villageand look for alternatives that fetch them standard cash flows. Sometimes the income is in kind. We captured this by converting the flows into monetary terms.

For instance, grass and MFP collected, contributed significantly to income flow regarding the household. Within the upper end households where the income is higher than Rs 4,000 per capita we located that higher than one member regarding the family got standard work in city. Little of them also had land, adding to their flows. Consequently we did not locate households abandoning agriculture, Table seven shows that agriculture is not lucrative and finding wageemployment seems to be an alternative. The households falling within the decreased income group, continued depending on agriculture, and were unable to move out regarding the poverty trap.

4 Assets? The assets owned by the families are provided in Table 7. From the list we look that apart from utensils, cots and rudimentary farm implements, there is pretty little within the shape of assets that the households had. The greatest significant asset within the households were silver, gold, handcrafts fabrics etc. It was located during the field see that most regarding the assets listed were not usually sold. People within the village prefer to borrow in times of crisis at fairly high rates of interest, rather than liquidate any assets and if they need to sell their assets they should first sell livestock but should not touch the jewellery.

All respondents had a dwelling unit of their own. Little of them had 3 dwelling units, but the families used both. None regarding the families had leased out land, while multiple families had leased in land. 5 Borrowings: The profile of borrowings is shown in Table 8. The maximum many loan accounts was with moneylenders.

However, the average volume of a loan from moneylender was smaller than other sources. In all, borrowing from moneylenderand other informal sources accounted for almost 85 per cent regarding the many loans and 80 per cent regarding the amounts borrowed. Borrowing from relatives and from commercial banks had a significantly high average loan size. There was no significant difference between the source from which Team I and Team II had borrowed. 4 It appears that SHG was not an choice for Team I households.

The formal sector was unable to reach this segment regarding the population. The reasons may pertain to transaction volume and costs. Even the SHGs were working with the upper end regarding the poor families. When we compared loan amounts and borrower profiles, we located that the commercial banks hold a bias towards creating loans for productive assets Table 9. The bank had provided oneloan for corporate consumption5 out of 5 loans made.

The well-being related expenses, contributed to higher expenditure. The borrower portfolio was diverse for the moneylender. The moneylender had extended loans for consumption, corporate consumption,health expenses, buying assets, and also to meet charges for litigation. The moneylender loans for assets were mainly for the buy of livestock. All SHG loans were for consumption.

People borrowed mainly for consumption, corporate consumption and health-related expenses from the family sources. The community usually funded the corporate events within the village the expectation was that the recipient should pitches in when therewas a similar function in others family. Therefore, the borrowings for marriage and funerals were usually from informal sources. Only one loan from the family sources was for buying assets. Tables 9 and 10 indicate that people borrowed from moneylenders for asset purchase.

Borrowing from moneylenders for emergency purposes, is understandable, but the larger share in asset buy indicates that there is scope for formal institutions to step in. We should also note that the greatest frequent purpose for borrowing is health-related. seven Savings: Without the awareness and complex legal requirements of banks most regarding the savings in SHGs. There was one recurring deposit account. Savings in SHGs were on the weekly basis.

Many members were irregular in their savings. Even this was irregular as there is no standard income flow within the household. So whenever there was little money available with the women neither by selling the MFP, greens or bamboo, they preferred to keep within the safe earthen container inside the home but distant from their husbands eyes. From the data on financing of asset buy and financing of significant events, it was evident that these savings are very sparingly used for outflows. Sale of assets and jewellery was not seen at all within the sample households.

Savings are perceived to be an alternate compartment that was to be used sparingly. An overall look at the income, savings and borrowings data indicates that the position of indebtedness is not alarming the figure. In almost all cases the overall borrowing was fewer than their annual income, and distant fewer than the total worth regarding the assets they had. In this sense no respondent suffered from a negative net-worth. However, what seemed to be very prevalent is stashing money distant in pots, as there were no alternatives available for savings.

Formal sources were accessed only by a handful of people and they also seemed to have multiple accounts. This difficulty was faced most within the borrowing and the savings departments. Table 11 shows the savings regarding the poor in institutionsCONCLUSIONSMapping the financial flow regarding the poor requires careful investigation regarding the income and expenditure patterns and the greatest important is the involvement regarding the people themselves. This cardboard illustrates the conclusions of a read conducted in one village of Kerala which was below the influence of natural calamities and farmers problems for final years and has experienced some rainfall this year. But that region resolve some regarding the important problems by method of government programes and lone cooperation, particularly pertaining to wage employment and helped them diversify their livelihood sources.

Consequently there arevarious studies conducted to identify the factors that drag people into the poverty trap, the primary findings of this read are that the overall asset-savings-income profile regarding the poor in this village release a comfort while compared to indebtedness. However, most regarding the assets and savings are illiquid, forcing the poor to borrow at high cost and service such loans. The read indicates the failure of institutions to penetrate the savings and loan market. Even if we assume that the emergency wants should be met by the regional sources, the institutions within microfinance mechanisms like SHGs were unable tomake inroads into financing non-emergency planned wants for example asset buy and home construction. There is a need for an appropriately drafted savings product a primary attribute regarding the product should be safety.

Liquidity and return does not seem tobe a concern as most savings is in a pot stashed away. It is important to note that significant borrowings also return from relatives thereby reinforcing the corporate bonding within the community that we studied. This shall also be evidenced within the method marriages and other corporate events are financed. The poor seem to be smoothening their interest costs by resorting to informal, zero cost borrowings for sure purposes. This has an importantindication for us.

There was a very tough fungibility argument for pricing loans uniformly, by MFIs. This is seen most within the Grameen style and SHG kind of organisations. One regarding the arguments is that this takes like of adverse usage of credit the oft-cited example is subsidy based production credit being used for corporate consumption. However, the pattern of borrowing and the use to which the poor have place the funds in our sample indicate that if we can make sure that the end use, there is a case for differentialpricing of loans. It also proves that informal structures make sure that that even in consumption, this should be limited by corporate processes the example being the non-availability of finance from the corporate system for 2nd and subsequent marriages.

The read re-confirms the findings of earlier studies the greatest killing expense is well-being related. This leads the poor into distant indebtedness. The borrowings for well-being expenses shape one ofthe most significant chunks of borrowing. We also noticed that there was no significant difference between the upper end regarding the poor and the decreased end in possessing access to formal institutions most for savings and loans and in neither case the dealings with these institutions were limited. A combination of factors like facts about income opportunities, accessible and non-pricey healthcare facilities, credit on affordable terms and awareness regarding the unnecessary expenses on corporate functions should helpthem in managing their money judiciously.

Consequently we should gather valuable facts but still there exists sure things missing and the read does not capture likethe relation between the cost of borrowing with and without collateral particularly with moneylenders, long-term flows and whether these households have been better-off as compared to a decade ago and the effect of diversification of income streams in dealing with difficult situations particularly considering that the sample region was affected by severe droughts within the past 3 years. A significant gap was also located within the lack of data collected on current expenditure. Profile Of Wayanad DistrictDistrict WayanadArea in sq. 2,131Population 7,80,619Males 3,91,273Females 3,89,346Sex ratio? Females or 1000 995Density of Population 366Per Capita Income in Rs 34,123Literacy rate 85. 72%Coastal line in km.

NilWater bodied region in ha. 936Forest region in ha. 78787Assembly Constituencies 1. Sulthan BatheriTaluks Head Quarters No. of VillagesVaithiri Vaithiri 18Sulthan Batheri Sulthan Batheri 15Mananthavadi Mananthavadi 16Live stock Population 2000 Census Cattle Buffaloes Goats Sheep Pigs106393 5847 38188 110 3254Monthly rainfall m.

m Month Jan Feb Mar Apr Shall Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecRainfall 7. 7Profile of Noolpuzha VillageGeographical Region Hec 24297Forest Region Hec 19287Cropped Region Hec 3330Irrigated Region Hec 200Total Many Home hold 4627Population 23151Male 11806Female 11345SC or ST 9861Hospitals 9High Schools 3Post Offices 8Banks 4Village Offices 1Telegraph Offices 1SHG General 296ST 111Sources: Panchayat ScheduleLIST OF TABLESTable 2: Distribution of Age throughout the SampleYear Age1-15 8516-30 6831-45 3445 years and above 29Total 226Table 3: Position of Curriculum throughout the SampleLevel Of Curriculum No Illiterate 126Literate 48Primary curriculum 52Total 226Table 4: Distribution regarding the Sample according to Employment StatusStatus Employment Nos Unemployed 62Student 16Housewife 29Agriculture 60Non-farm enterprise seasonal 33Non-farm enterprise standard 4Service 8Any other 14Total 226Table 5: Income Details for Different OccupationsSource of IncomeAverage Income PerPerson Employedper Annum Rs Capita Incomeof Householdsper Annum Rs Agriculture 1,329 752Agricultural wage labour 10,800 2,700Non-agri enterprises seasonal 10,621 2,392Collecting MFP or grass primary employment 950 480Overall Income from non-agri sources - 519Per capita income from all sources 6843Table 6: Income Sources: Agriculture and OtherPer CapitaSources From AgricultureFrom Other Total IncomeIncome of HHs No of HHs No of HHs No of HHs 0-2000 seven 33 52000-4000 25 12 19More than 4000 19 six 26 Table 7: Asset DetailsAsset ListNumberApproximate Valueof the Asset Rs Physical assets Clock 9 940Scooter 01 7000Cycle 01 2000Watch 10 2210Radio 05 2300Cot 24 5100Chairs 01 50Elec connections many bulb points 15 3500Utensils approx cost 17900 Farm implements 52 11500Pump 01 8000Jewellery silver approx cost 213600 Jewellery gold approx cost 1500 - Livestock Cows 3733700 Bullocks 5566000 Goat or sheep 81 35650Poultry 41 6720Land region in acres Own irrigated land 0. 375 22000Own rain-fed land 20. 5 81000Own non-cultivable land 11. 7 232000Leased rain-fed land 1.

875 66000Leased non-cultivable land 0. 375 10000Dwelling Tiny 7 Moderate 20 Large 01 Table 8: Borrowing Details from Different SourcesDetails regarding the MonetaryTransactions Break-up of theClient BaseSources LoanNo Of Accounts Ammount Rs Ave LoanSize Rs Team I19 Hhs Team Ii15 HhsCommercial bankspost office 05 7. 33 9,8000203Moneylenders42 65. 95 6750004Relatives12 18. 48 7,6500606Any other0 two 1.

79 5,0000001Total 64 2,82,600 4,4153826. Team I = Per capita income fewer than Rs 4,000. Team II = Per capitaincome higher than Rs 4,000Table 10: Significant Events and How They Were FinancedEvent Detail Borrowings No of Eventsin the Past Years Rs Ave AmtsavingsSpent Rs Used Rs Marriage of children1913,4321,89511,537Health problems of family members 31 1,9551,281 674Construction of home 10 7,570 800 5,770 Buy of agricultural land 07 3,457 428 3 428 Funeral expense 04 200 - 1,200 Other 18 989 906 3,083. , Tribal Development-Strategies An Overview, The Indian Journal ofAdministrative Science, Vol. Beteille, Andre, The Definition of Tribe, Seminar 14, 1960 in Romesh Thaper Ed.

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