Friday 7 December 2012

The The Past And Functions Of The Bank Of England

The Bank of England is a historical entity that instead as acting like a bank for private investments has a role to help the finances regarding the nation and to hold the economy afloat. The bank was founded in 1694 sequential to manage the debt regarding the British Government. Whilst it has continued to perform this role, its functions have expanded, two of these being helping the government formulate its monetary policy. The bank also has done manage over the issuing of banknotes in England and Wales. The Bank of England has a many different variations of functions that many central banks all over the earth carry out.

In terms of importance; keeping prices stable and supporting the policies regarding the government that relate to finances is the predominant pair. It is hoped by carrying out these roles the bank can help to promote the growth regarding the UK economy. Monetary stability shall be defined as possessing stable prices and overall a confidence within the local currency. The bank does this by trying to make sure that that any cost increases meet the inflation targets set by the government. This task is carried out by creating minute adjustments to interest rate; these minor alterations are decided by the Monetary Policy Committee.

As an adjunct to this, maintaining financial stability shall also be a key role regarding the local bank. This is done by protecting the economy from any threats that shall unsettle the financial situation. Like a result, the bank should employ workers to investigate potential threats within the stock and other financial markets for example oil. While the bank attempts to be proactive with preventing financial instability, like a final resort a reactive approach shall be taken; this normally takes the shape of a loan to government in extreme circumstances. Loans to government are in no method new to bank of England.

The Local Debt was held by the bank for centuries, managing the payments from the government and to other banks. The bank also had manage over the gold reserves regarding the place consequently throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth century, limitations were placed upon the dispersal regarding the gold. In 1844 the bank was provided sole manage over the issuing of banknotes. These notes had to be tied to gold reserves as security. Other banks subsequently were still can issue there own notes, mostly those outside of London.

These note producing banks subsequently were still in procedure right up until the thirties. The bank subsequently still does not manage the done issuing of notes throughout the whole of Britain. Scotland and Ireland retain the right to make their own notes. Within the early to mid twentieth 100 years the bank created a drive to reduce its commercial activities in pursuit of becoming a solely central bank. Subsequent to the 2nd World War it was nationalised and remains government owned today.

In addition, within the latter stages regarding the final century, the bank was provided manage over the setting of interest rates. This subsequently means that the bank is solely responsible for interest rates, if they do not meet the government targets; the governor regarding the bank should explain to government and display how the situation shall be remedied. The Bank of England was heavily involved within the political and economic development regarding the nation. The bank has evolved with developments and enhanced its role at the centre regarding the local financial situation. Currently its role is as important as it has ever been, supporting the government in its monetary decisions is a fundamental function that maintains the stability regarding the economy.

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