Thursday 18 October 2012

Financial Miracles And Biblical Prosperity

When I got the revelation that Jesus was in us the hope of Glory 1. 1:27 my miracle ministry really took off. What I saw was that if Jesus is in us then He can still do through us what He did in Last testament days. As I traveled ministering healing my heart went out for the people's prosperity as well. I began to look for the scriptures and I saw so many instances of Jesus doing Financial Miracles that I began to know and expect for those things to happen.

I mean subsequent to all He is in me right?. One thing I learned is that The god moves on the Earth by Faith and by Seed. I sought out miracle ministries that also had financial miracles happening and I began to partner with them and to sow seed into that anointing. Today this is a standard occurrence in my ministry. It seems that anyone who sows into my ministry receives financial miracles.

I only share this from the heart to tell you exactly how I do what I do, so you can also. Some things I have witnessed to build your faith:. A lone mother with 5 children was broke and came to the meeting she was provided 200. the God spoke about sow 100 to me. This was a struggle knowing all the wanted for her kids.

She obeyed The god then went to the grocery save subsequent to church. The next day she had to make a deposit at the bank. When she got her receipt return there was $3,000 in her account. She got so scared she ran out regarding the bank. A person I not ever met came into two of my home meetings and when he opened his Last testament ten 100 dollar bills fell out.

A Pastor reached into his wallet to obtain a piece of cardboard to write below his number. He already knew that he did not have anything due to the fact that someone had to purchase him tea an hour earlier. 00 bill had appeared in his wallet. I was leaving the airport in El Paso, TX. And I went over to the ATM to obtain cash for coffee.

I had been on a 40 day fast at the time. As I looked below I saw 3 $20. 00 dollar bills and they were old looking. Wow, no one goes to an ATM to withdraw cash and leaves $40. These were old and dirty.

I have knowledge of that all ATM cash is new and crisp. I have hundreds of stories like this. Just like healing miracles and creative miracles, cash miracles or financial miracles have been a method of life for me. I do not forget first place of prayer I ever spoke in. The elderly black Pastor was not able to view but the prophetic phrase from him was phenomenal.

To date I should speak it was one regarding the greatest accurate words I have ever received. One thing he spoke about was your right paw shall be your miracle healing paw and your left paw shall be your financial miracle hand. I began to view about Biblical Prosperity and what caused it to manifest in someone's life or not to manifest in someone's life. It all returns below to one thing. Putting The god first in your life.

When we release The god honor and we are saying we trust Him due to the fact that we have knowledge of Him and we like Him. He showers us with blessings. If you own been in any of my meetings you have knowledge of how true this is. People many times have cash appear in their bank accounts, wallets and Bibles. The financial miracles started when I was in a place of prayer in Kentucky.

I was in a tiny city which was the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln. Hodgensville, I know was the name. I had started a survey and asked how many people wanted healing miracles and about 70% raised their hands. I then asked how many people wanted a financial miracle and 100% raised their hand. I knew I had to know The god for financial miracles for His people.

I asked The god to let these things to happen in my life and ministry for the people. I had gone return to this place of prayer some time later and was amazed by a story from the place of prayer accountant who was also a CPA. He spoke about that he felt prompted to release a sure quantity but he knew he should be overdrawn but he did not need to disobey God. He testified that at the end regarding the month the similar to quantity was still in his account yet the confirm had cleared the bank!. The financial miracle ministry was birthed and from there it became as standard a component of my ministry as the prophetic and miracle healing ministry was.

In my own life I just lived one day at a time trusting The god for that day. I still live that method today. One day I asked The god regarding the financial miracles receiving location and He reminded me that the family that adopted me had embezzled my Father's inheritance which was corporate security cash which when I turned 18 probably totaled $30,000. He spoke about I am your Father now and this is my inheritance to you that all over the universe people shall have knowledge of that you own an anointing for financial miracles and when they sow into that anointing they shall reap financial miracles, blessings and miracle cash as well as the similar to anointing shall be transferred to them. I have so many testimonies everywhere I leave that I am bold about it but I am very careful to not ever manipulate anyone or to commercialize the anointing or to sell Jesus.

That being spoke about I realized that faith returns by hearing the phrase and the phrase of our testimony so I should share my life story and anointing and truth. After traveling and speaking with Next Move of The god my worldwide revival ministry for 10 years, I quickly realized the power of building relationships. Let's face it The god wants us blessed so we can shake the nations. Jesus spoke about I bring good news to the poor. Good news to a poor person is you do not should be poor anymore!.

This page is dedicated to that component of you that should like to have income and the freedom to do what you need with your free time. quit your day job, fund your ministry, have more to release etc. These are all affiliate programs or products that I use myself. I have knowledge of Jesus was first network marketer due to the fact that he took twelve people, had them each leave out to obtain twelve 144 on day of Pentecost, some gave up, and it has continued to this day. The world large web is the net in networking that we need to prosper and to build the Kingdom.

It is God's World large web He invented it. It's like Jesus spoke to me and spoke about let below your net for a catch and launch out into the deep. Throughout the past we look that The god Prosperity is based upon one's walk with Him. Starting at Adam and Eve we look God's blessings on them like a result regarding the relationship they had with Him. However, when they disobeyed The god the blessings stopped and life became hard and they had to sweat to obtain the ground to produce.

The similar to is true throughout history. When person obeyed The god He was blessed and when he did not he was cursed. The Covenant Blessings. 28:1 Whether you indeed two obey the God your The god and are careful to observe all his commandments I am giving 3 you today, the God your The god shall elevate you above all the nations regarding the earth. 28:2 All these blessings shall return to you in abundance 4 whether you obey the God your God: 28:3 You can be blessed within the city and blessed within the field.

5 28:4 Your children six shall be blessed, as well as the make of your soil, the offspring of your livestock, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks. 28:5 Your basket and your mixing container shall be blessed. 28:6 You can be blessed when you return in and blessed when you leave out. seven 28:7 The God shall cause your enemies who attack 7 you to be struck below prior to you; they shall attack you from one direction 8 but flee from you in seven different directions. 28:8 The God shall decree blessing for you with respect to your barns and in everything you do yes, he shall bless you within the land he 9 is giving you.

28:9 The God shall designate you as his blessed people just as he promised you, whether you hold his commandments 10 and obey him. 11 28:10 Then all the peoples regarding the earth shall look that you belong to the Lord, 12 and they shall respect you. 28:11 The God shall greatly multiply your children, 13 the offspring of your livestock, and the make of your soil within the land which he 14 promised your ancestors 15 he should release you. 28:12 The God shall reveal for you his good treasure house, the heavens, to release you rain for the land in its season and to bless all you do; 16 you can lend to many nations but you can not borrow from any. 28:13 The God shall make you the head and not the tail, and you can always end up at the top and not at the bottom, whether you obey his 17 commandments which I am urging 18 you currently to be careful to do.

28:14 But you should not turn distant from all the commandments I am giving 19 you today, to neither the right or left, nor pursue other gods and worship 20 them. Curses as Reversal of Blessings. 28:15 But whether you ignore 21 the God your The god and are not careful to hold all his commandments and statutes I am giving you today, then all these curses shall return upon you in full force: 22 28:16 You can be cursed within the city and cursed within the field. 28:17 Your basket and your mixing container shall be cursed. 28:18 Your children 23 shall be cursed, as well as the make of your soil, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks.

28:19 You can be cursed when you return in and cursed when you leave out.

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