Wednesday 11 April 2012

Financial Awareness for Women

How many times have your heard: Money is Power? Plenty, I bet.But, Power is not always about money; bearing babies is more powerful than money, more powerful than knowledge. Frankly, procreation of a species is the greatest powerful position in any society, any living organism.Here’s the irony…the most powerful gender has in fact historically had the fewest no. of control, entitlements and freedom. Clearly women were viewed as threatening. And, the dominator rather than the partnership model for the greatest component has driven societies. The partnership model requires collaboration, cooperation, and is supported by inclusiveness rather than focusing on the differences between entities. The dominator model is very self e&l insurance on competition creating a singular winner verses team victory.Is it any surprise then that some regarding the greatest well-known women in history, who had power, had an untimely death. All of our societies have been shaped by men evoking spiritual powers emanating from ritual knowledge that then crossed political means, creating and fostering male bias. That male bias has marginalized women throughout history.

So, it’s not so many that women have financial concerns as many as the root of disproportionate power that then gets displayed into the arena of money. How do women manage their shame about money when the underlying issue is about ultimate control, a lack of entitlements and the fear of loosing their current freedoms?  Reducing the financial shame is the benefit of building self-awareness. Gaining actual tools for financial concerns is a step within the right direction.Financial workshops for women are little and distant between. Possessing debt elimination points only deals together with the surface. To achieve true financial stress relief, one should dig below the surface.Sometimes financial management workshops shall with a section on how to pick a financial advisor for women. These suggestions often make me wary due to the fact that regarding the inherent gain a financial planner may garnish. Whereas hiring someone who is remunerated not by commission, but by retainer I ponder creates better sense.But, a financial advisor for women really wants to understand what is going on below the surface. Long term financial management women shall very often understand the issues faster than their male counterparts….but, as I call it: “Bankspeak”, is not a relegated to men only.Understanding the premise that one’s self-esteem should be directly connected to one’s handling of money, the only method to gain financial stress relief is to heal the underlying damage. That takes courage, honesty and accountability. This is the greatest financial difficulty solution for women.

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